10 Jazzy Etudes for Horn
\n10 Jazzy Etudes for Horn were written following the same idea of the “12 Jazzy Etudes for Horn”. Although not so complex, these etudes take the jazzy style idea a little further. Usually advanced etudes for horn are too difficult in many aspects at once. In these etudes I used different scales and modes with some extended techniques, but always in an easy and funny way. If an etude is difficult or even very difficult in one aspect, it will be easy or even very easy in other aspects.\n
Etude no.1
\nThis etude was written in the Mixolydian mode. In fact, if this Etude is played entirely on the Bb horn, only the first 2 fingers will be used and in 3 different positions. In this etude, you can practice jumps between major 2nds and major 10ths, in a different way than usual.\n
Etude no.2
\nThis was written as a Bb Blues. It has a 3 octave range. The etude contains several horn chords on major 10ths, lip bending, stopped notes and several jumps, all challenges which can be achieved in a humorous way.\n
Etude no.3
\nIn this etude you can practice 12 pentatonic scales following a cycle of 5ths or whole tones.\n
Etude no.4
\nYou will need plenty of concentration in order to play this etude as you will face 3 challenges: repetitions, stopped notes and articulation changes.\n
Etude no.5
\nThis etude was based on a free improvisation on the Ahava Rabboh mode, the 5th mode of the harmonic minor scale (mixolydian b9 b13). It starts with a slow recitative with fingering tremolo and some horn chords. In the 2nd part, which is very fast, you can develop the movement of the 3rd finger. Before returning to a small recapitulation, you will have to produce an effect imitating a singing human voice.\n
Etude no.6
\nHaving a theme in the medium-low register of the French Horn, this etude is followed by an improvisation. The sound level and the quality of the legatti should be the same in the several ranges.\n
Etude no.7
\nA very fast etude to practice bar changes. During this etude the horn player will be asked to speak and beat. I hope with this etude that horn players start enjoying bar changes.\n
Etude no.8
\nIn this etude, jumps in the horn’s medium-low range will be practiced. This etude has a very fast tempo and should sound light and funny.\n
Etude no.9
\nThis should be played “sempre piano”, and in a very light way in order to enhance the accents. Practicing this etude develops the mastery of diminished scales and arpeggios. With this in mind, once a fast enough tempo is achieved, you should look for sequences and grouped notes instead of seeing each note alone.\n
Etude no.10
\nThis etude is a homage to the great violinist Niccolò Paganini. It is based on a theme by Paganini and followed by 4 small variations.\n\nI hope that you learn much from these etudes, but above all that you have fun!\n
- Ricardo Matosinhos